Shock Wave Therapy in Arizona
Chronic scar tissue, muscle tension, tendon problems, joint calcifications can stop most people from ever getting better. If you have tried chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, or other modalities without success, Shock Wave -Radial Pressure Wave may be the thing that you are missing! This therapy is often described by patients as “Just the thing that I feel like I’ve needed for years”!
Shockwave Therapy creates an acoustic sound wave (not ultrasound) that penetrates into the tight or chronically injured area. The waves increase the ‘slide and glide’ of the connective tissue that had long since turned into scar tissue and adhesions. Shockwave allows for a faster healing, and a restoration of a softer connective tissue. There is no electrical shock at all with this device- it is an acoustic wave that is generated by the device.

Shock Wave in Peoria. Safe, Effective & Non-Invasive Healing
Scar tissue can pinch, twist, squeeze nerves triggering chronic pain. Scar tissue itself can be up to a 1000X more pain sensitive than healthy tissue. Thankfully, we have Radial Pressure Wave Therapy (often referred to as Shock Wave Therapy) which is:
- Non-invasive, extremely safe, and highly effective with no down-time!
- Reduces likelihood of needing surgery!
- Reduces muscles spasms and improve range of motion
- Fast and effective- most treatments last 10-15 minutes
- Turning off chronic pain and inflammation cycles to Close the Pain Gate
- Age reversing effect via Stem Cell formation & activation for youthful restoration in our stiff, tight, injured areas including cartilage regeneration.
- Can even reverse calcification in tendons, ligaments, and muscles especially in the shoulder.
- Creating new bone & blood vessels to support youthful muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons.
- Increases cell energy for healing.

Non-invasive Solution for Your Pain
FDA approved, extensively researched, and widely accepted as an effective healing modality, Shockwave can help you get better quickly!
Our Shock Wave Therapy Radial Pressure Wave unit is helpful for many conditions and is used in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Shockwave for Plantar Fasciitis and foot pain
- Shockwave for Achilles tendinopathy
- Shockwave for Chronic tight neck and shoulder pain with ‘knots’
- Shockwave for Rotator cuff tendinopathy
- Shockwave for Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow (lateral and medial epicondylitis)
- Shockwave for Chronic knee pain
- Shockwave for Chronic low back pain
- Shockwave for Hip pain
- Shockwave for Shin splints
- Shockwave for IT band syndrome (ITB Syndrome/ Iliotibial band syndrome)
- Shockwave for Thumb arthritis and Depuytren’s Contracture
- Shockwave for Morton’s Neuroma
How Long Are The Treatments and How Many Will It Take?
Every person’s condition is unique to them, and this affects the treatment time. Typically, the treatment times last anywhere from 10-15 minutes per region. They are based on how many ‘impulse waves’ are applied to the area. The total number of treatments required typically ranges from 4-6. It depends on the factors that your doctor finds regarding your body’s particular condition. The goal is to restore your body to its best condition- not just to make the pain go away. This is why the entire course of treatments will be recommended. Even when pain goes away quickly, the underlying cause will still be treated if long-lasting results are to be experienced. Pain is typically the last thing to show up and the first thing to go away.
You want to feel and be at your best so that you can live your best life. We want to help you get there! Your doctor will recommend a course of care that may include other therapies as well. Many problems require a multi-faceted healing approach. Rest assured that you will receive the recommendations that will offer you the best outcomes.
Free yourself from pain
Give us a call to learn more about Shock Wave Therapy Radial Pressure Wave therapy, and make an appointment to see if it’s a treatment option for you. If you’re searching for Shock Wave therapy in Peoria and Glendale Arizona, give the team at Arizona Chiropractic Center a call today!
Fast Track Your Recovery – Call 623-512-4040 or Fill Out Our Form
7717 W. Deer Valley Rd
Suite 135
Peoria, AZ 85382
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If you have found this page looking for Dr. Paul Koch in New Jersey, his website is He is Dr. Christopher Koch's brother!